Şükrü Özyıldız
- Original title: Aşk Taktikleri 2
- Original language: Turkish
- Production country: Turkey
- Director: Lanistar Media
- Executive producer: Cengiz Çağatay
- Producer: Mine Yılmaz
- Director: Recai Karagöz
- Screenwriter: Pelin Karamehmetoğlu
- Photos: Olcay Oğuz
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1h 38m
Asli thinks marriage is a scam, and says so. But when her beau Kerem unexpectedly agrees, she goes to great lengths to manipulate him into proposing.
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Rating: 7 Number of votes: 117
Love Tactics 2 Reviews
|11 hours agoGreat characters but the plot could've been tighter imo. Still a solid movie overall tho.glacialWhispers7
|3 days agoJust doesn't live up to the hypecosmic_Kitten
|4 days agoClimate Love Tactics 2 was straight fire, def gonna be one my favorites!hurricaneWarrior
|7 days agoGood overall, bit draggyspringMelody23
|12 days agoLmaooo the thirsty girls checking out that museum dress 💯 I don't blame them thostarlitNova
|12 days agoNot sure why everyone is geeking out over this basic movie? It's nothing special guys.mysteryMist42
|13 days agoDecent enough overall and my fav of the movies ngl.silverLining7
|14 days agoOkay that movie ending was crazy, gotta give it that!